Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Egytpian Fun Facts

This is raisin bread.
Now who wants to know some AWESOME fun facts?  When dinner came the Egyptians had lots of veggies, and they even had pancakes and raisin bread.  Most people would think that we invented pancakes and raisin bread, but we didn't. The Egyptians did invent the world's first oven and candy.  See I told you these facts were going to be interesting!  This fact you might find kind of awesome, by studying the dead bodies of humans, doctors had a good idea on how the human body worked and how to treat diseases.  Just to warn you I've got lots more fun facts for you!  Most Egyptian families were very big, and that makes a lot of sense with the big houses they lived in. If the couples were not able to have children they would adopt, just like we do.  Egyptians sometimes ate their fingers (GROSS).  Guess what, for the leftovers the Egyptians played with their food, by using the leftovers to weave things. I don't know about you but I would LOVE to be able to play with my leftovers.

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